Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Special Offerings

At Connie Hunter's request, we ran a short notice in the bulletin earlier this month to let new members or visitors of Sixth know that we do participate in the Presbyerian Peace offering, but that we do so in May (many congregations collect the Peace offering during World Communion Sunday at the beginning of October).

I thought it might be useful to include here on the blog the 'special offerings' agreement that the Church & Community Committee presented to Session last year. This schedule was approved by Session and is our congregation's current practice.

We recommend that the Church and Community Committee assume oversight of our church's special offerings. To implement this responsibility for the year 2007 we recommend the following:

That the One Great Hour of Sharing focus should occur between the dates of March 4 and April 8 (Easter) and that Jane Fox will oversee this offering with regard to the ordering of materials and various forms of publicity;

That the Peace Offering should be collected between May 13 and 27 and that Nora Johnson will oversee the process;

That the Joy Offering should be collected between December 9 and 23 and that Diana Wood will oversee the process; and

That special offerings in support of the Lazurus Fund should occur on the four Sundays of the year 2007 which are 5th Sundays in the months of April, July, September, and December. Dave Wood will oversee this process and decide on publicity and procedures for dealing with this offering.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Opportunities Ahead: PIIN and Hazelwood

(1) The PIIN Covenanting Event will be held on Sunday, 11 November, 6 p.m., at St. Benedict the Moor Church, 91 Crawford St. (near Mellon Arena). Fr. Jared Jackson invites Sixth Church to attend and bring a banner. Please post here or let Kit know if you are able to attend.

(2) The elders and congregation of Hazelwood Presbyterian Church invite their partners and friends to join them as they celebrate and show appreciation for their new pastor, Rev. Leslie Boone, Sunday, October 28 at 3 p.m. at the church.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Project Amistad at East Liberty Presbyterian

You are invited to hear a presentation by Susanne Frerichs, missionary in Mexico on October 15, Monday evening, at 7:00 pm at East Liberty Presbyterian Church. She is U.S. coordinator of Proyecto Amistad of the Presbyterian Border Ministry (PBM). The PBM is a joint ministry of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico.

Susanne is visiting Pittsburgh Presbytery from October 12-19 as part of the PC (USA) Mission Challenge '07- a denomination-wide effort to reconnect local congregations to overseas missionaries.