Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Jack Rogers on 'Jesus, the Bible, and Homosexuality'

Pittsburgh Presbytery's Task Force on Ministry with Sexual Minorities and More Light Presbyterians are sponsoring a mini-conference on October 12-13, 2008, with Dr. Jack Rogers, theologian and author of the book Jesus, the Bible, and Homosexuality: Explode the Myths, Heal the Church. Rogers is professor emeritus at San Francisco Theological Seminary, a former faculty member at Westminster College, and served as moderator of the 213th General Assembly.

The conference will be held at Camp Crestfield, with opening sessions at 4 PM on Sunday and closing on Monday at 4.

Call 412.828.0910 for more information.

Also note: Dr. Rogers will be preaching at East Liberty Presbyterian on Sunday morning, October 12th.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Church & Community Support

The Church and Community Committee serves as the mission outreach arm of Sixth Church in two primary ways:

(1) Identifying organizations whose missions are aligned with the community goals of Sixth Church and providing funds to them through prioritized distribution of our 2008 budget of more than $17,000; and

(2) Providing volunteer services and support to community organizations needing our help.

Organizations receiving support in 2008 include:

  • Wilkinsburg Community Ministry

  • East End Cooperative Ministries

  • Pittsburgh Community Food Bank

  • Neighborhood Academy

  • Mars Home for Youth

  • Camp Crestfield Scholarship Fund

  • Malawi Partnership of the Pittsburgh Presbytery

  • Lazarus Fund of the Pittsburgh Presbytery

  • Just Harvest

  • Church World Services

  • CROP

  • March for Darfur

  • Goats for Gifts: For Rwandan Women Affected by the Genocide

  • Global Links
  • Sunday, September 14, 2008

    Distribution of Funds

    The committee voted this morning to provide funding to Presbytery's Lazarus Fund, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, and Goats for Gifts.

    In allocating our funds this way, the committee noted the deep need for Presbytery-wide support for the Lazarus Fund, whose budget well has run dry at a point in the year and the economy when many families are having an increasingly difficult time in covering costs of living. Sixth Church also dedicates the loose-plate offering collected on "fifth Sundays" to the Lazarus Fund.

    Recent hurricanes have had a devastating effect on many. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is helping those recently hurt by Hurricane Ike, as well as people hurt through storm damages caused by Hurricanes Fay, Gustav, and Hanna.

    Goats for Gifts helps women and children in Rwanda by providing goats as a means toward self-support (the goats provide both food and a source of income). Goats for Gifts is a remarkable organization for its lack of overhead costs, made possible through dedicated volunteer efforts.

    Other entities that have received funding this year include Wilkinsburg Community Ministry, East End Cooperative Ministries, Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, Neighborhood Academy, Mars Home for Youth, Camp Crestfield (scholarships), Presbytery's Malawi Partnership, Just Harvest, Church World Services, and the March for Darfur.

    Wednesday, September 10, 2008

    Global Links: Hurricane Relief

    I know many of you saw the article in the paper this week about Global Links' important role in providing relief to the people of Cuba, who have been hit hard by late-summer hurricanes this year.

    Sixth Presbyterian provides committed volunteers to Global Links. If you have not yet had a chance to offer some time to them and would like to do so, please contact Doris Bell, Jan Maxwell, or Sheila Kier for more information!

    If you didn't have a chance to see Anya Sostek's story in the Post-Gazette, here's a bit of it (with a link to the full article!)....

    A little Pittsburgh nonprofit is about to play a big role in Cuban disaster relief.

    Global Links, a Garfield-based medical relief organization, holds one of only a handful of federal licenses allowing legal humanitarian aid to Cuba.

    To deal with the aftermath of two major hurricanes walloping the island nation in just more than a week, the World Health Organization asked Global Links to serve as a conduit in delivering medical supplies to the country.

    The article is online at http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08253/910557-53.stm .