LOL! OK, at Sue's request, here's my attempt to post the pie chart on the blog.
How 'bout them slices, eh? And the little square raindrops where a legend to the chart used to be.... It looks better as a powerpoint slide, promise.
This pie shows how the Church + Community's funding pot was allocated this year.
The light blue slice shows the portion of our budget that went to local cooperative ministries (EECM, Wilkinsburg).
The royal blue slice is the portion that went to local hunger relief (Just Harvest, EECM Food Pantry, Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank).
The teal slice is the portion that went to Presbyterian mission efforts: Church World Services, Presbyterian Disaster Relief, Camp Crestfield, Malawi Partnership, and the Lazarus Fund.
The pea green slice is for local social justice efforts at the Mars Home for Youth and the Neighborhood Academy.
The gray slice shows support for the people of developing countries through gifts to Global Links, support for the CROP walkers, Goats for Gifts (Rwanda), and the March for Darfur.
There's a very slender black slice to represent the amount remaining in our budget.