Vacation Bible School Week at Sixth! Yay! Do you have a favorite Bible school memory? My two strongest memories of those days as a child are (1) grape kool-aid plus pretzel sticks tasting soooooo good; and (2) loving the way we got to all call out together "His steadfast love endures forever" during the psalm reading.
Taking a staycation and want to do a little volunteering? Sign up for the Tuesday, August 4th (10 AM till Noon: plenty of afternoon left for ice cream and the swimming pool!) volunteer stint at
Global Links! Global Links collects unused medical supplies from local hospitals and ships them to hospitals serving the poorest of our extended human family in less developed countries. Contact Jan Maxwell if you'd like to help!
The deacons invite you to the first monthly
Family Gathering on Tuesday, August 11th: an evening of supper and sharing. You're invited (but don't need to) bring a gently used item for little ones under 2 to be shared with other families who might need those items right now during a family expansion period! Babysitting and children's activities will be provided.