Friday, June 5, 2009

Tie the Knot

Margaret Miller told us about this great awareness program that is so very timely with all of the news about legislation regarding same-sex marriages and partnerships. The program is called Tie the Knot and is symbolized by white ribbons with a single knot tied in the middle - a simple but meaningful way to say that everyone should have the right to tie the knot. Here's a link to the website with more great information about it:
We'll be having white ribbons of our own to give out at the Sixth Church booth at PrideFest this year! Thanks Margaret !!!

Fred (always a groomsman, never a groom ...)

1 comment:

Kit said...

What a beautiful service!!! Congrats to everyone involved in the planning and execution. Fred, your sermon has had me nurturing my inner mustard plant all week -- and I bow 'namaste' to you....