Monday, November 30, 2009

More Babies!

Sixth has been blessed by the birth of lots of beautiful babies in our congregation this fall.

And guess what? That 6th 'fertile touch' extends to our contributions to the Goats For Gifts program, too! ;-)

The program's administrator writes: "Sorry about her backside, but yea, she's pregnant! The firstborn must be given to another survivor. So many thanks, again, to your thoughtful congregation."

Goats for Gifts is a volunteer organization; our contribution goes fully to the purchase of goats for survivors of the Rwanda genocide. Sixth's giving has provided 25 more goats this year.

Home at Last

EECM has launched a capital campaign in support of the East End Community House, a new facility to house -- in one central location -- all of the many EECM services now tucked into various nooks and crannies across the East End of Pittsburgh.

See for more.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Community Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

34th Annual
Community Interfaith
Thanksgiving Service

Tuesday, November 24th at 7 PM

Baha'i - Christian - Hindu - Islamic - Jewish

Please join us as we share this wonderful Thanksgiving tradition with our neighbors of many faiths. This year's service is hosted by Congregation Beth Shalom at 5915 Beacon Street (corner of Beacon & Shady)in the Faye Rubenstein Weiss Sanctuary

Speaker: The Rev. Cynthia Bronson-Sweigert of the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer

With participation by the Taylor Allderdice High School Choir

An offering of canned goods and other non-perishables will be received for the Food Pantry of East End Cooperative Ministry

A cash offering will be received for the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Norma & Jack Rally for Braddock

Undaunted by rain, Norma and Jack protest plans to close UPMC-Braddock.

For more on the community's efforts to ensure that health care is available, see:

Braddock Hospital's Closure Protested;


Braddock Residents Look Into Suing UPMC .

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Reminder: Our Meeting's Coming Up

Please mark your calendars for the Church and Community Committee meeting on Sunday, December 6th, in the parlor.

We will make our final set of 2009 allocations at this meeting, and we are also working to set up a guest speaker on an issue of community concern. (Check back here for more on that as plans start to fall in to place!)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Support Rally for UPMC Braddock

Norma and Jack F. are staying on top of the community efforts to save the UPMC Braddock facility for healthcare in that community. A rally is planned for Thursday afternoon of this week (November 19th).

Save Our Community Hospitals



Fifth St. & Braddock Ave.

Braddock, PA

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lisa Larges Ordination

Lisa Larges, who preached so eloquently at Sixth this fall, has been approved for ordination by the San Francisco Presbytery, which also recognized That All May Freely Serve as a validated ministry.

For more, see the More Light Presbyterian website!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Honduras forum November 17th

There will be a forum to discuss the coup and political crisis in Honduras on Tuesday, November 17th at 7:00 PM at St. Regis Church in Oakland (3250 Parkview Ave, 412-681-9365). The event is organized by the Pittsburgh Central American Solidarity Committee. The flyer for the event can be found by clicking here , and if you are interested in learning more about it, you can contact John Soluri by email: .

Jim McDowell Pottery Sale/Fundraiser

Saturday, November 14
11 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Sixth Presbyterian Church
Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh PA
(Murray Avenue entrance)

Jim McDowell is again sharing his gift through a sale of his pottery this Saturday, November 14th. 40% of all sales will go toward Pittsburgh Presbytery's Lazarus Fund.

Jim and his wife Jan Fisher are members of Sixth. He has been a studio potter for more than 30 years and is well represented in museums and galleries across the country. While young Colin, above, holds one of Jim's bowls, Jim is perhaps best known for his face jugs, which he makes to "pay homage to [his] ancestors, those who survived the Middle Passage."

For more on Jim's work, see

For more on the Lazarus Fund, see .

Friday, November 6, 2009

Neighborhood Academy Lunch: Chili With a Dash of Love

From Diana:

"We recently orchestrated another very successful group effort on behalf of the NA students and staff. Brenda F., Pam H. and I met at the church Monday evening and prepared enough chili for 50 people and prepared 8 loaves of Italian bread--buttered--for the entire group. Carol and Bill B. brought to the church on Sunday enough chili for 50. Then on Tuesday morning I heated up all the chili, and Louise F., Jenn F-G, Jonas and I loaded the car, drove to the school, unloaded, and served the meal along with a large tossed salad, apple juice and brownies (by Trish C.) and cookies (by Michael S.). Checkers joined us at the school (where she had already had a personal tour) and helped serve.

Just about everything was eaten. Actually, only some apple juice was left! Students and staff were most appreciative. If you want reimbursement for the costs of food purchase, please fill out a request form in the office, clearly marking the purpose and submit it to Maggie.

Our next lunch is THURSDAY FEBRUARY 4. Please notify me if you know already that you would like to help.

Thanks to all."