Undaunted by rain, Norma and Jack protest plans to close UPMC-Braddock.
For more on the community's efforts to ensure that health care is available, see:
Braddock Hospital's Closure Protested;
Braddock Residents Look Into Suing UPMC .
The Church and Community Committee of Sixth Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh, PA, is committed to an engaged and engaging relationship with our community. We support many local and international organizations through financial and volunteer resources. The More Light Sub-Committee is an active component of the committee. Participation is open to all members and friends of Sixth Church.
Norma has a petition opposing the closing of the hospital. If you 'd like to sign this, please find Norma at church on Sunday or give her a call!
More Links:
UPMC to close Braddock hospital at end of January
By Margaret Harding TRIBUNE-REVIEW Friday, October 16, 2009
UPMC will close its Braddock hospital at the end of January
Plan to close UPMC’s Braddock hospital stuns town
By Chris Ramirez TRIBUNE-REVIEW Saturday, October 17, 2009
Democratic U.S. Rep. Mike Doyle of Forest Hills said he, state Sen. Sean Logan of Monroeville, Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato and Braddock Mayor John Fetterman requested a meeting Monday morning with UPMC President Romoff to discuss the decision……...
St. Clair Hospital to open 3 new operating rooms
By Bill Zlatos TRIBUNE-REVIEW Tuesday, October 20, 2009
…The additional operating rooms and last year’s expansion of the Mt. Lebanon hospital’s outpatient facility occur as bigger health care systems shrink. UPMC announced Friday it would close its hospital in Braddock in 90 days…….
UPMC Braddock’s inpatient detox unit needs new home
By Chris Ramirez TRIBUNE-REVIEW Monday, October 26, 2009
UPMC is looking for a permanent home for its Braddock hospital inpatient program that helps drug-addicted patients kick their habit…… UPMC Braddock, which is set to close in three months… Drug- and alcohol-addicted patients who would have been seen there will be sent to UPMC McKeesport, UPMC Mercy, Uptown, and WPIC in Oakland while officials determine where to move the program.
Allegheny County redevelopment authority eyes uses for Braddock hospital
By Luis Fabregas TRIBUNE-REVIEW Wednesday, November 25, 2009
….soon-to-close UPMC Braddock could be used to house urgent care services, an assisted living facility, doctors’ offices or even an expansion of the existing YMCA branch in the building, officials with the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County said Tuesday.
Braddock group’s goal: Repeal closing of hospital
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
By Moriah Balingit, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Its first priority is to lobby UPMC against closing, and its second is to create a contingency plan should the hospital close. ..Braddock Mayor John Fetterman…said if UPMC departs, he hopes the hospital system will help to fund the retrofit of the building. Ideally, he said another hospital would move into the building, but if that can’t happen, he’d like to see a community college campus or a technical school…Onorato said he planned to ask the state to keep the $3 million in state grants allocated to the hospital to move its front entrance to Braddock Avenue and beautify its façade to stay in Braddock.……..He also said he would reject UPMC’s offer to turn over the building to the county.
Braddock hospital protesters turn up heat on UPMC
Saturday, November 28, 2009
By Karamagi Rujumba, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
A group of about 60 stood with protest signs at the corner of Sixth Avenue and Grant Street, Downtown, in front of UPMC headquarters in the U.S. Steel Tower.
Complaint filed over hospital’s closing
Friday, December 04, 2009
By Moriah Balingit, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
….The president of the Braddock Borough Council has filed a complaint with the U.S. Justice Department, claiming that the closure of UPMC Braddock in the poor and predominantly black community is discriminatory...
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