Monday, January 25, 2010

Open Hand Ministries - Saturday Feb 6th

The next work day for Open Hand Ministries has been set for Saturday February 6th. Typically, the work day begins at 9:00 AM, meeting in Garfield at an urban garden at the corner of Wicklow St. and Cornwall St. Future work days are planned also for the first Saturdays in March, April and May.

Open Hand Ministries seeks to respond to the injustice and inequality common to inner city neighborhoods by providing low/moderate income, disadvantaged families the opportunity for affordable homeownership in the economically challenged Pittsburgh neighborhoods of Garfield and East Liberty. Here is a link to their website:

Volunteers will be assisting in a hands-on way to build homes and hope in these communities. Please contact Bryan Webler (, 412-916-4884) if you are interested in helping out.

1 comment:

Fred said...

UPDATE: this project has been postponed until NEXT Saturday, February 13th. Please contact Fred or Bryan for details.