Thursday, January 14, 2010

Aldora's Letter in Post-Gazette re Braddock

Grow Braddock

UPMC will quit admitting patients to Braddock hospital shortly. But it is time to grow in Braddock, not go from Braddock.

Does UPMC not know that this is a community on its way back up? Its citizens have fought and won the battle to keep the first Carnegie Library open, have planted urban community gardens, and a new green industry has just announced plans to locate in Braddock.

This hospital serves the greater Monongahala Valley, is one mile from The Waterfront, across the river from Kennywood, and has plenty of real estate available for expansion.

Why has UPMC underfunded needed services and then systematically and egregiously eliminated or relocated these services in crowded and distant locations?

Does UPMC not know that public transportation is poor-to-none and its parking garages are expensive? Has any UPMC executive ever used public transportation to get to one of its facilities and know how much time and effort it takes?

Does UPMC not know that there is more to health care than provision? Health care is teaching from the cradle to the grave. Has UPMC forgotten the first rule in medicine is do no harm?

UPMC should be called to account for the harm it is doing to these communities and expand Braddock hospital and its services.

Regent Square

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